Poly Fit Spot Set 9" Diameter Set Of 10 Exercises
Poly Fit Spot Set 9" Diameter Set Of 10 Exercises
Circuit training has become a staple of physical education classes for a reason. Classes of students are easier to manage when you break them up into groups or offer them stations to go to, one after the other. With that in mind poly fit spots were born! Using poly fit spots in your class is simple and saves a bunch of time that you would normally have to spend on instruction. Each 9" spot features an exercise both in writing and in picture format. 10 different exercises offer some variety. Simply place the pots around the gym and set a number of each exercise to do. A great accessory to the fit spots is our foam dice. Each user can toss the large foam dice to see how many of each exercise they need to do. This adds a little excitement and interest to the already fun design of the spots.
Spots measure 9" in diameter and feature bright yellow writing and images on a blue background for optimal visibility. The set of 10 spots features the following exercises: Bicycle, Run In Place, Push Up, Toe Touch, Sit Up, Jumping Jack, Sit And Reach, Windmill, Body Fold and Crab Kick.
See accessories tab for a link to our Foam Dice.