About Us
Family owned and operated for 4 generations...
There are few companies left that can say they are still in business after 4 generations. Morley Athletic is one of them. We've been in business since 1931. We are proud to say that as of 2024 we now have the fifth generation of Morley's coming into the business.
We've got a history in team sports...
Advertising in the old days meant printing post cards or full page card stock mailers. Check out these vintage ads..
Past catalog covers, boy have times changed...
Back in the day we mailed out product catalogs. In fact we started sending out catalogs so long ago the pages were designed by cutting out pictures, pasting them onto a page and then using a type writer to type in descriptions and prices. Boy have times changed now we offer thousands of products online with detailed descriptions and pictures so crisp you'll feel like you're actually looking at the product in person. Check out these vintage catalog covers...
Family members featured in past newspaper ads...
Back in the day newspaper ads featuring pictures of store owners was all the rage- check out these 60's era newspaper ads...
We've been on the internet offering a catalog to our team customers since 1999. Take a look at our original spinning pyramid logo. Can you believe this was a high tech logo back in 1999.
Why PYRAMIDS?? Well pyramid power of course. K. Richard Morley Jr was always fascinated by the ancient pyramids and the Sphinx so he decided when he incorporated the business in 1982 these would become our logos. A little odd for a business run by folks with English / Irish origins but who doesn't find the pyramids mysterious and powerful. They are certainly a symbol of longevity and the power of human ingenuity.
Maybe you know some of our existing customers, here's a few customers who trust Morley Athletic....